If you are experiencing prolonged menstrual periods, heavy bleeding during periods, bloating in the belly/pelvis pain and pain during intercourse chances are that you are suffering from fibroids. In fact fibroids is the most common type of tumor. Around 10 million patients are diagnosed with fibroids every year in India itself, so don’t worry, you are not alone in the battle against pain!
Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, are compact and firm tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue which develop in the uterus. In 99% percent of the cases such tumors are benign in nature. The location, shape & size of the tumor can vary greatly .They can be present on the outside surface of the uterus, inside it or inside its walls. The growth and number of fibroids can also vary. It is possible to have more than one fibroid. Also, the speed of growth can vary. For instance, a fibroid may remain small for many years and then suddenly grow rapidly.